Research & Scholarship

Dr. Laskin’s research interests focus on corporate communication practices such as investor and shareholder relations, communication issues facing transnational corporations, and managing campaigns. He also studies the measurement and evaluation of communication effectiveness. His international strategic communication research looks at global public relations, propaganda, and public diplomacy. Dr. Laskin is also interested in new media research, such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, AR/VR/MR, and biohacking.

Select Books:

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Select Publications:

Laskin, A.V. (2024). Investor relations media mix: Media planning in the public relations sub-function. Public Relations Review, 50(2),

Laskin, A. V., & Hoffmann, C. P. (2023). Digital corporate communication and financial communication and investor relations. In V. Luoma-aho & M. Badham (Eds.), Handbook on Digital Corporate Communication (pp. 91-102). Edward Elgar Publishing.

Laskin A.V. (2023). The Personification of the Highest Office: Adoption of Social Media by Country Leaders. In Y.R. Kamalipour & J.V. Pavlik (Eds.)., Communicating Global Crises: Media, War, Climate, and Politics (pp. 75-94). Rowman & Littlefield.

Laskin, A.V., & Nesova, N.M. (2022). The language of optimism in corporate sustainability reports: A computerized content analysis. Business and Professional Communication Quarterly, 85(1), 80-98.

Schramm, M.E., Place, K.R., & Laskin, A.V. (2022). Framing the strategic R&D paradigm shift in Big Pharma: A content analysis of pharmaceutical annual reports. Journal of Communication Management.

Laskin, A.V., & Laskin, Y.A. (2022). Memes: Interactive creative intertextuality on social media. In Hanlon, A. & Tuten, T.L. (Eds.), The Sage Handbook of Social Media Marketing (pp. 307-319). Thousands Oak, CA: Sage.

Solovyeva, O., & Laskin, A.V. (2022), Gamification, Tinder Effect, and Tinder Fatigue: Dating as a CMC Experience. In Lipschultz, J.H., Freberg, K., & Luttrell, R. (Eds.), The Emerald Handbook of Computer-Mediated Communication and Social Media, Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 197-211.

Laskin, A.V. (2021). Symbiotic relations as the foundation of propaganda: Directions for future research. In Analysis, 5(2), 183-187.

Laskin, A.V. (2021). Measuring investor relations and financial communication: An empirical test of Scales of Public Relations. Organicom, 18(35), 95-115.

Laskin A.V. (2021). Instrumente der Evaluation der Investor Relations und Finanzkommunikation. In Hoffmann C.P., Schiereck D., & Zerfaß A. (Eds.), Handbuch Investor Relations und Finanzkommunikation. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden.